Please support us to maintain a healthy and safe environment...
While Covid-19 restrictions have been relaxed we continue to recommend a range of safety measures at Echo Echo Studios and we ask you to follow them closely.
- Please wash hands often and use hand sanitizer stations
- Please feel free to wear a mask on the premises if you wish
- Stay home if you have any Covid-19 symptoms - a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; loss of taste or smell.
- Pay in advance online if possible
- Please support us to maintain a safe and healthy environment
- Please be patient with our staff, artists and volunteers
- Echo Echo will not be asking for Covid vaccine certificates in accordance with NI Executive guidance, January 2022
Echo Echo Studios has been awarded a Covid-19 Reassurance Blue Badge by Derry City and Strabane District Council.
If you have any specific concerns or observations please don't hesitate to speak with us first.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again soon!