About Ludo Lusi Lusum
Ludo Lusi Lusum is an original new work for young audiences directed by Ayesha Mailey and performed by an ensemble of five dancers. In a wacky world of a runaway bride owl, a supermodel leopard and posse of preying mantis, the performers' fascination with the animal kingdom is brought to life through dance, theatre, music and song.
Created and performed by the Echo Echo Ensemble and directed by Ayesha Mailey this physical theatre piece is suitable for children 4 years and up.
- Directed by Ayesha Mailey
- Created and performed by Esther Alleyne, Janie Doherty, Kelly Quigley, Zoe Ramsey, Antonina Sheina
- Lighting Design by Barry Davis
- Costume Design by Helen Quigley
- Produced by Ayesha Mailey and Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company
Ludo Lusi Lusum was commissioned by Echo Echo Festival of Dance and Movement 2014 funded by City of Culture Legacy Fund and the Foyle Foundation. Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company receives principal funding from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
Acclaim for Ludo Lusi Lusum
Ludo Lusi Lusum is a delightful extravaganza bursting with fun, energy, lightness, mimicry and excitement, with ‘every body a dancer and every spirit a bird. Children will love it. Nuala McAllister-Hart, Culture Northern Ireland (2014)
Absolutely amazing. A very creative and energetic piece, perfect for an audience of all ages. Audience feedback
Past Performances
- Echo Echo Festival of Dance and Movement, November 2014 (3 performances)
- Echo Echo Dance Studios, June 2015 (6 performances)
- Belfast Baby Day at The Mac, Belfast, September 2015